International project: VET Schools Doing Green (VET SDGs)

The project aims to raise awareness of sustainability issues among the staff and students of VET institutions. Specific topics will be themed along UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Project objectives

  • to encourage VET staff to devote explicit time to promote sustainable and environmental skills, attitudes and values in VET curricula
  • to include SDGs topics in the curricula through active teaching and cross-curricula and interdisciplinary content
  • to include sustainable and green skills in the assessment


To increase staff awareness, 4 paired Staff Weeks will be organised. For each pair, the partnership selected 3 SDGs to focus on. The first week of each pair will be dedicated to learning and training, the second to the practice: staff members, with the help of experts, will create green assignments for the students.

Students awareness will be raised through a 5-months piloting.

At the end of the project students from all participating institutions gather in Holland for a Students Week to share their experiences and learn more about sustainability and SDGs.


  • collection of experts’ masterclasses
  • good practices shared by staff and environmental organizations
  • Green Diaries (stories by participating teachers and staff members)
  • assignments created by staff
  • projects realized by students.


Stichting Christelijk Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Noord- en Oost Nederland (Alfa-college)link opens on new page (Netherlands)

ENAC ENTE NAZIONALE CANOSSIANOlink opens on new page (Italy)

Kuressaare Ametikool (Estonia)

Centro San Viatorlink opens on new page (Spain)

Live-säätiö srlink opens on new page (Finland)

Ammattiopisto Luovi Oylink opens on new page (Finland)



Project 2023-1-NLO1-KA22O-VET-000154743

Time period

27 months

Project contact

Taavi Tuisk
+372 516 2234

Read further

Sewing Project Advocated for Textile Recycling

Do you know what are SDGs? (Facebook post on 16.11.23 , in Estonian)link opens on new page

Avaldatud 03.10.2023. Viimati muudetud 31.01.2024.