International project: From a rookie to an expert – International paths for VET staff (REXVET)

During the two-year, the project will deliver a pathway model for internationalization. Also supporting training materials will be created to promote skills and competences needed for individual professional development in international activities.

The project stems from the need to promote skills and competences required by the international labour market and multicultural working life. In order to provide students with such competences, VET teachers and trainers need to acquire international skills as part of their continuous professional development.

Project objectives

  • to increase the ownership of internationalization activities within the organization and engage more teachers and staff members in such activities. Engaging more teachers in international activities is crucial in order to increase the attention to the European context, develop new curriculum planning process and new curriculum models and help to widen cultural understanding among students.
  • to develop and recognize the skills and competences that are needed in the global world and internationalization of education from “a rookie to an expert”.
  • to promote staff development in terms of internationalization skills such as more knowledge about the EU, better understanding of other VET systems, language and managerial skills and updating the skills needed to work in a multi-cultural environment.
  • to promote the link between international activities and the strategy and development of the organization and staff professional development.


  1. Mapping the international skills of the staff in partner organizations.
  2. Personal development path model in international skills for staff in VET
  3. Training package to support the skills development
  4. Digital learning badges to document and recognize the learning and skills gained in internationalization. All products are in English.


Luovilink opens on new page (Finland, coordinator)

Invalidisäätiölink opens on new page (Finland)

ENAClink opens on new page (Italy)

Centro San Viatorlink opens on new page (Spain)

Alfa-Collegelink opens on new page (the Netherlands)

Kuressaare Ametikoollink opens on new page (Estonia)



Time period


Project contact

Ave Paaskivi
452 4601
ave.paaskivi@ametikool.eelink opens on new page

Read further

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Avaldatud 08.01.2021. Viimati muudetud 03.03.2022.